*Catalogue of ‘Sounding Out’ published by Kim Gurney and the Bag Factory: View and download here
*Guinevere Pedro writes about Brendon Bussy’s workshop: Tracking Secret Sounds of the City
*Jackie May, features editor of The Times, writes about opening night: Achille Mbembe. On official culture and the crisis of imagination
*Jackie May, features editor of The Times, writes about The Flower of Shembe: African fable with a futuristic spin
*Brendon Bussy, a participant artist on Sounding Out, writes about the exhibition: Joao Orecchia and other notable works; and about Ear Shell enthusiasts
*Johan Myburg of Die Beeld writes about Sounding Out: Waar klank en kuns ontmoet
*Press Release: Flower of Shembe, June 2012
*Press Release: Sounding Out, May 2012
*Bag Factory Newsletter, May 2012: http://mim.io/265b92
*Recent interview with Sara Hallatt, the director of the Bag Factory, on Art Throb: http://www.artthrob.co.za/Reviews/.aspx
*Article by Kim Gurney on artists using distressed musical instruments in their work: Life of a Piano published in Sunday Independent Life January 15, 2012: Life of a Piano
*High resolution images of artists’ work on ‘Sounding Out’:
Sanell Aggenbach
Lynette Bester
Brendon Bussy
Josh Ginsburg
Captions and photographic credits for all the above
Angie Mullins and Nathan Jansen Van Vuuren
Acrylic and oil on calico and electronic sound
3000 x 3000mm
Photo: Nathan Jansen van Vuuren ©